(Sent 27 October at 2:02 p.m. to all subscribers)
If you missed our October meeting…
The Byron path Pumpkin Path will be lit up again on the evening of November 1st, 2022. (Photo of past event: Bradley Amson)
The Wellington Village Community Association and several community members met online on October 20th, 2022, to discuss the exciting events and issues that we will engage in over the coming months.
Exciting news–the City’s transaction of purchase has been finalized on 115 Spencer! A new City of Ottawa park will be created on the site - a huge win for local residents and the entire WV community. We know that many important steps are in the works at the City–assigning a project manager, clearing permits for demolition, and working with forestry on tree identification and preservation–but in the meantime, it’s important to let us know if you’d like to stay informed about any opportunities for resident input on decision-making. Consultations with the Kitchissippi Ward councillor and neighbours will likely begin soon and carry on into 2023. Please indicate your interest by sending an email to wvca.park@gmail.com.
The Pumpkin Parade is back! Byron Path will once again be all aglow on November 1st, as this popular tradition returns to our neighbourhood. There are many ways to take part, from contributing your carved Jack-O-Lanterns, donating tealight candles, or arriving just before dark to help with spacing & lighting up the path. We especially encourage early risers to join us the morning of Nov 2nd to help the Wellington West BIA in piling and loading the spent pumpkins. These highly-appreciated volunteers are rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing they are helping to fill the tummies of the happy pigs at Maple Hill Urban Farm with Wellington Village pumpkins (and rumour has it, early morning volunteers will get to fill their own tummies with some local treats as well). It’s a whinny win win!
Read more about the Pumpkin Parade & Volunteer details here.
Special event, “Welcoming New Citizens to the Canadian Family.” This in-person event, hosted by our MP, Yasir Naqvi, was attended by WVCA president, Anne Murray. The celebratory event gave new Canadian citizens of the Ottawa Centre community a chance to connect with longstanding community members, and we are always pleased to have Wellington Village included in these gatherings. “Welcome, neighbours!”
Tunney’s Pasture redevelopment, neighbourhood art installations, and meeting space for the WVCA were all topics of discussion that will require our attention through the fall. Please reach out if you would like to learn more or offer your involvement.
Website or social media savvy? Interested in event planning? Our Community Association needs you! Please be in touch if you can help lend a hand in bettering this great community; even as a one-off contribution. Email: president@wvca.ca
Coming up in Wellington Village…
Early engagement on the new park space in WV
WVCA Holiday event
Introduction of the WVCA to our newly elected councilor and mayor. While the Municipal election took place after our last meeting, the WVCA extends our congratulations to our re-elected city councillor, Jeff Leiper, and Ottawa’s new mayor, Mark Sutcliffe
Calls to action…
As mentioned, the WVCA needs more community volunteers, especially those with website expertise or interest in event planning. Please reach out to get involved!
The WVCA needs a new location to meet each month. Do you know of a space? Let us know!
Membership funds–You’re already a member just by living within the boundaries! As always, we appreciate your support to help us run events and engage with residents. While $10 is the suggested membership fee, the WVCA appreciates donations of any amount.
E-transfer to: wvca.ottawa.treasurer@gmail.com
Spread the news! Please share this newsletter with Wellington Village neighbours. Those interested can also sign up on the landing page of our website.
Join us at our next meeting!
November 17, 7PM. Location TBD. Reach out via the President’s email below if you’d like to attend or consider becoming a member of our WVCA Board.
Find us here:
w: www.wvca.ca
t: @theWVCA