If you are a resident of Wellington Village, we encourage you to become a member of the WVCA. The WVCA speaks for residents with one voice, giving the community a stronger voice in municipal government decision-making. Membership also ensures that we keep you up-to-date on activities and issues in the community, and enables you to vote at the annual general meeting. The small (voluntary) membership fee helps support events like community forums.
The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) represents residents who live in the area from Scott Street to the Queensway, and Island Park to Holland Avenue. When you become a member of the WVCA, your voting right provides you with a voice in the growth, development and maintenance of your community. The WVCA Board meets regularly (approximately once a month) to stay informed about ongoing issues. All members are invited to attend these meetings.
The WVCA has a website, distributes an electronic newsletter to members, and sends out timely emails when items of concern or interest to the community arise.
The WVCA also sponsors periodic forums about specific issues in the community. Your dues are put towards the cost of running these events. The suggested membership fee is a very nominal cost to ensure the Wellington Village community continues to be one of the most desirable places to live in all of Ottawa.
Membership is only $5 per year (though a $10 contribution for a two-year membership is encouraged!).
To become a member you have two options to pay membership fees:
1) You can send an e-transfer to president@wvca.ca; or
2) You can send a payment using Paypal! Click the button below to make your contribution!
Upon payment, you will receive a confirmation email back from the President of the WVCA confirming your membership in the WVCA!
There are many ways to get involved with the Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA), with opportunities ranging from one-time commitments for special events to ongoing commitments depending on your schedule and interests. By joining us in making this community a better place to live, you can:
- Meet new people and make new friends
- Experience new challenges
- Raise awareness and support important community issues
- Have a say on local issues
- Develop professional networks
- Gain experience in a variety of roles