Who are we?
The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit, membership-based organization working to create a vibrant, healthy and sustainable neighbourhood for all of our residents. The WVCA informs, consults and engages with residents and other groups in the larger community on issues of importance and promotes the interests of our community with all levels of government and other organizations.Members elect a Board of Directors every May at the WVCA’s Annual General Meeting. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of most months (normally not in July, August or December). Those meetings are open to all, and anyone from the community can raise an issue at board meetings.
We work to enhance the quality of life in Wellington Village by:
1. Acting as a community spokesperson in promoting and protecting the interests of the community with respect to all aspects of the planning and future development of Wellington Village
2. Communicating local news and events of interest to community residents
3. Promoting and encourage social/recreational activities in the community
4. Organizing public participation in community issues
5. Supporting programs which provide for the safety of community residents
6. Working with other community groups in the area and in the city
7. Making representations to governments
The boundaries of the WVCA are Island Park Drive to the west, Holland Avenue to the east, Scott Street to the north and the Queensway to the south.Get involved!
Communities need many hands to be the places where we all want to
live, work and play. The Wellington Village Community Association is
committed to enhancing our community spirit by celebrating the
uniqueness, diversity and history of our area, and we need your help to
do that.
Here are some ways to join us:
· Become a member
· Sign up for our newsletter
· Volunteer
Here are some ways to join us:
· Become a member
· Sign up for our newsletter
· Volunteer
Table of Contents
1. Preamble
2. Name
3. Boundaries
4. Objectives
5. Membership
6. Structure of the Association
7. Selection and Tenure of Executive
8. Duties of the Officers
9. Meetings
10. Voting
11. Fiscal Year
12. Financial Procedures
13. By-laws of the Association
14. Amendments to the Constitution or By-laws
We, the people in the Wellington Village area wish to promote, by democratic cooperation, the provision of a healthy physical and economic environment, the maintenance of personal safety and security, and the improvement of the quality of life of all members of the community. We have determined that an Association of all the members of the community will accomplish these goals.
This Association shall be known by the name of the Wellington Village Community Association, and is referred to hereinafter as the “Association”.
The boundaries of the Association are Island Park Ave. to the west, Holland Ave. to the east, Scott St. to the north and the Queensway to the south.
4.1 To act as a community spokesperson in promoting and protecting the interests of the community with respect to all aspects of the planning and future development of Wellington Village.
4.2 To communicate local news and events of interest to community residents.
4.3 To promote and encourage social/recreational activities in the community.
4.4 To organize public participation in community issues.
4.5 To support programs which provide for the safety and security of community residents.
4.6 To cooperate with other community groups and community associations in the area and in the city.
4.7 To make representations to governments.
5.1 A member shall be any person who is 18 years of age or over:
(a) residing within the boundaries of the Association;
(b) residing in areas that are next to and close by to the said boundaries;
(c) having their place of business or owning property within the said boundaries;
(d) being on the Association’s email list;
(e) exceptions may be made if approved and voted on by the Board.
5.2 Categories and terms of membership shall be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee and shall become effective when confirmed by a vote at an Annual General Meeting.
5.3 A member in good standing is a member who is currently on the membership email list.
5.4 Memberships may be revoked at any time by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors for reasons of misconduct, illegal activity, or the pursuance of issues or activities contrary to the objectives of the Association.
5.5 Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each question arising at any Annual or other General meeting of the members, and shall have the right to hold office.
5.6 Any member may resign from the Association by notifying the Board of Directors in writing of their resignation.
6.1 Board of Directors
(a) The Board of Directors shall consist of between 5 and 15 members of the Association who are in good standing and have been nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) A person who is not a member may be elected a director, but must become a member within 10 days of election or else cease to be a director.
(c) The Board of Directors may appoint an Association member to a Board of Directors position should a vacancy occur during the term of office. This appointment shall terminate at the next election of officers or at an expiration date set by the Board of Directors. The Board may designate standing and ad hoc committees as and when required.
(d) The Directors shall conduct the affairs of the Association between Annual and other general meetings.
(e) If a Director misses more than 3 meetings per term the position shall be deemed vacant except if the Director notifies another Director in advance of said meeting with an excuse for such absence and that excuse is deemed as reasonable by the Board of Directors.
(f) A Director may be removed from the Board of Directors at any time by a two thirds majority of the members in good standing present at a general meeting of the members, for reasons of misconduct, illegal activities, or the pursuit of issues or activities contrary to the objectives of the Association.
6.2 Executive Committee
(a) The Executive Committee shall be comprised of a:
(i) President;
(ii) Vice-President;
(iii) Secretary;
(iv) Treasurer;
(v) Webmaster.
(b) The Executive Committee shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors or President.
(c) The Executive Committee shall report to the Board of Directors on committee activities.
6.3 Committees
Committees may be organized to meet the needs of the membership and shall be created and/or dissolved as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors providing that:
(a) committee chair must be a member of the Board of Directors;
(b) committee objectives are consistent with the purpose of the Association;
(c) committee members must be members of the Association;
(d) the committee agrees to all financial and membership policies of the Association.
7.1 Executive Committee
(a) The selection of the Executive Committee, which is made up of members from the Board of Directors, shall take place every year at the first meeting of the Board of Directors, which is the meeting that follows the Annual General Meeting. If more than one member of the Board of Directors stands for a position, there shall be an election by secret ballot for that position.
(b) The President must have been a member of the Association for a minimum of two years.
(c) All other Executive Committee members must have been a member of the Association for a minimum of one year, unless approved by two-thirds, plus one, of the Board.
(d) The positions of President and Treasurer shall not, without the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors, be held by the same individuals for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
7.2 Board Renewal
(a) In advance of the Annual General Meeting, members of the current Board of Directors and Executive shall indicate if they are willing to renew their positions on the Board. If there are less than 5 members renewing and it is known that there is no interest within the current Board to hold Executive positions, a nominating committee shall be formed to recruit new members to stand for the Board at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Nominations (properly seconded) from membership present at the Annual General Meeting shall be accepted from the floor. All nominees must indicate a willingness to serve on the Board of Directors.
8.1 President
(a) Shall preside at all Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General and Annual General meetings of the Association.
(b) Shall enforce observance of the Constitution and by-laws.
(c) Shall report to the membership on the activities of the Association at General Meetings or at such times as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
(d) Shall not make any motions or amendments.
(e) Shall not vote on any motion unless a vote results in a tie vote at a Board of Directors or Executive Committee meeting.
(f) Shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
8.2 Vice-President
(a) Shall help the President do his/her duties and in the absence or inability of the President, the Vice-President shall act as the President with all the duties and powers of the President.
(b) Shall attend all Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General and Annual General meetings of the Association.
(c) Shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
8.3 Secretary
(a) Shall attend all Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and General Meetings of the membership and act as a Clerk thereof and record all votes and minutes of all meetings in the books to be kept for that purpose; or name an appropriate stand in.
(b) Shall receive and record all correspondence for the Association.
(c) Shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or President.
8.4 Treasurer
(a) Shall be responsible for ensuring that a record of all receipts and disbursements of money is maintained for the Association.
(b) Shall develop and establish, upon Executive Committee approval, all accounting and financial policies and procedures.
(c) Shall make available the books of the Association in good order upon request of the membership.
(d) Shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or President.
8.5 Webmaster
(a) Shall ensure that all membership records are maintained unless this task is delegated to another member of the Board.
(b) (To be determined, ownership of information)
9.1 Rules
All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order and shall be open to the general public.
9.2 Annual General Meetings
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in April, May, or June.
(b) Other Annual General Meetings may be held as or when required.
(c) Notice of the Annual General Meeting and other General Meetings shall be given to the members of the Association in writing not less than fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting and such notice shall include the proposed agenda.
(d) Every Annual General Meeting shall include on the agenda an opportunity for an open forum.
(e) Special General Meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Board of Directors or by at least ten (10) members for reasons provided in writing to the Secretary of the Association.
(f) Each member of the Association shall, at all meetings of the members, be entitled to one vote and may not vote by proxy.
9.3 Board of Directors Meetings
Shall be held monthly unless a majority of the Board of Directors agrees not to hold a meeting in a given month or more often as required.
9.4 Executive Committee Meetings
Shall be held quarterly or as required.
9.5 Committee Meetings
Shall be held quarterly as required.
9.6 Quorums
A quorum at a meeting shall be counted from those members in attendance who are entitled to vote as follows:
(a) At Annual General Meetings a quorum shall be 15 members. In the absence of such a quorum, it shall be decided by a simple majority vote whether to proceed with the regular business of the Association.
(b) At Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meetings a quorum shall consist of 50% of the Board or Committee’s membership, plus 1, and must include either the President or Vice-President.
9.7 Motions
All motions shall be resolved by a simple majority vote of members in good standing in attendance.
10.1 All members in good standing and 18 years of age and older shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General or other General Meetings.
10.2 Every question shall be decided by a show of hands unless a poll is demanded by any member.
10.3 Upon a show of hands, every member having voting rights shall have one (1) vote, and unless a poll be demanded, a declaration by the Chair that a resolution has been carried or not carried and an entry to that effect in the Minutes of the Association shall be admissible in evidence as “prima facie” proof of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes accorded in favour of or against such resolution.
10.4 If a poll be demanded and not withdrawn, the resolution shall be decided by a simple majority of votes given by the members present. The poll shall be taken in such manner as the Chair shall direct and the results of such poll shall be deemed the decision of the Association in General Meeting upon the matter in question.
10.5 In the case of an equality of votes at any General Meeting, whether by show of hands or at a poll, the question shall be deemed to have failed.
The Association’s fiscal year shall run from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.
12.1 The Association shall conduct its affairs on a not for profit basis so that no member derives financial advantage from the Association’s transactions.
12.2 All Association funds will be kept on deposit with a Canadian chartered bank, trust company, credit union, or caisse populaire.
12.3 Cheques or bills of exchange payable to the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and cheques or bills of exchange payable by the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other member of the Executive.
12.4 All expenditures of the Association shall be authorized by the Executive Committee. In exceptional circumstances, expenditures may be authorized by the signing officers who shall report such circumstances to the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the authorization of such expenditures.
12.5 The financial statements to be submitted to the Association membership at the Annual Meeting shall be audited by a member of the Association who is not on the Board of Directors. This auditor will report in writing to the Board of Directors on the adequacy and accuracy of the financial records. The auditor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Association may make by—laws for the purpose of supplementing or clarifying the provisions of this Constitution or any other purpose, provided that such by—laws are not contrary to the laws of the
Government of Canada or Ontario, or by-laws of the City of Ottawa.
14.1 Notice of all proposals for amendments shall be given, in writing, to the Secretary who will cause the proposal to be included with the notice of the Annual General Meeting, and the subject then placed on the agenda of that Annual General Meeting.
14.2 An amendment or by—law shall be considered accepted by a two—thirds vote of members present at the Annual General Meeting provided there is a quorum in attendance.
Amendments approved this 15th day of May 2018, in the City of Ottawa by members of the Wellington Village Community Association at its Annual General Meeting.
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