The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Community Representatives Wanted for O-Train & Gladstone Station Extension Planning and Environmental Assessment Study

From Katherine Hobbs:

Are you passionate about transit?
Do you want to help shape the future of LRT in Kitchissippi?

We are in the process of assembling both the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) and Business Advisory Committee (BAC) for the Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to extend the O-Train further south to Bowesville Road and potentially to the Ottawa International Airport. This study also includes new stations at Gladstone and Walkley and will also identify right-of-way protection for the future N-S LRT project.

I am looking for two residents and two businesses

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Scott Street Detour Solutions

From Katherine Hobbs:

Notice of Implementation

From the City of Ottawa:

We are pleased to inform you that the City of Ottawa is planning to implement a flat-top speed hump on Tyndall Street to address speeding and pedestrian safety concerns raised by concerned members of the community. The flat-top speed hump is proposed to be installed as shown in the attached figure. The funding for the design and construction is in place and construction is expected to occur during the 2015 construction season.

Traffic calming measures along Tyndall Street were initially recommended as part of an earlier Parkdale Area Transportation Study. Various measures were considered to address speeding and pedestrian safety concerns, and the City is now proposing a flat-top speed hump as the most appropriate measure.

If you require further details or have any question in regards to the information provided above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wook Kang

Coordinator, Area Traffic Management

Transportation Planning Branch

Coordonnateur, Gestion de la circulation locale

Direction de la planification des transports

Tyndall Street Recommended Plan

City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa

613.580.2424 ext./poste19285

Friday, June 6, 2014

Committee of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing for 296 Carleton Avenue (33, 35, and 37 Gould Street)

The Wellington Village Community Association has received notification that the public hearing for the consent and minor variance applications to the Committee of Adjustment for 296 Carleton Avenue, a property owned by Jim Cocks and Jan Leahy, has been postponed to the Wednesday June 18 meeting.

The applicant subdivided the property into two separate parcels of land fronting on Carleton in 2012. The owners have now revised their plans and are proposing to create three separate parcels of land, to demolish the existing dwelling and frame shed, and to construct three, two-storey detached dwellings fronting on Gould Street.

To proceed, the owner requires the Consent of the Committee for Conveyances.

The variances for which approval is being sought are:

  1. For 37 Gould, to permit a reduced lot width of 9.75m, whereas the bylaw requires a minimum width of 15m; to permit a reduced lot area of 199 square metres, whereas the bylaw requires 450 square metres; and to permit a reduced rear yard setback of 5.13m, whereas the bylaw requires a setback of 6m.

  2. For 35 Gould, to permit a reduced lot width of 9.75m, whereas the bylaw requires a minimum width of 15m; to permit a reduced lot area of 199 square metres, whereas the bylaw requires 450 square metres; and to permit a reduced rear yard setback of 5.13m, whereas the bylaw requires a setback of 6m.

  3. For 33 Gould, to permit a reduced lot width of 10.98m, whereas the bylaw requires a minimum width of 15m; to permit a reduced lot area of 224 square metres, whereas the bylaw requires 450 square metres; and to permit a reduced rear yard setback of 5.11m, whereas the bylaw requires a setback of 6m.

This item will be heard by the Committee of Adjustment on June 18, 2014 starting at 1:00 pm at 101 Centrepointe Drive, Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber.

If you have any questions or comments for the Committee of Adjustment, please contact the Committee at Paul Conner at 613 580-2424 ext. 13459 or Fyrle Pucci at 613-580-2424, ext. 27584. Comments can be sent to If you submit comments in writing to the Committee, it would be helpful if you could copy WVCA and the Councillor in order to inform all parties of your views on this development.