Halloween Party and Dance
Friday November 2
Legion Hall (Richmond Road at Winston)
Please support our fellow citizens fighting against inappropriate development in our neighbourhoods. The Westboro Citizens for Appropriate Development (WCAD) is holding a Halloween party and dance on November 2 to raise funds to pay for their successful OMB fight against the development plan to put two towers, 16 and 14 stories, at 335 Roosevelt Ave on a site zoned for approximately 6 stories. The developer appealed the case to the OMB (heard in October) and that decision has not yet been issued. Legal and professional planner fees are outstanding due to those two fights.
So please support the cause and have a great time - you can do both by buying tickets ($25.) for the party. It will be at the Legion Hall, 389 Richmond Road at Winston (just west of Churchill). There will be live music by Big Chill - a finalist in the "Road to Memphis" contest this year and last, playing blues and early rock music - great to dance to. Doors open at 7 Nov 2, music after 8. There will be a hot and cold buffet in the evening.
Also there will be door prizes and prizes for best costumes in the theme of "monster development".
To get tickets ($25. each):
1 Go to the WCAD website at
http://appropriate-development.org/Site/Scary.html and buy your ticket via PayPal. Tickets can be picked up after 7 pm at the Legion Hall. You will receive a confirmation email with your ticket number.
2 You may buy tickets at the door on Nov. 2 - Doors open at p.m.
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