The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Site Plan Control submitted for 84, 86, 88, 92 and 96 Hinton Avenue

84 Hinton - mapSite Plan Control submitted for 84, 86, 88, 92 and 96 Hinton Avenue

The WVCA has received the public consultation notice of the Site Plan Control proposal summary submitted by Novatech for 84, 86, 88, 92 and 96 Hinton Avenue (map).

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Leading Women/Leading Girls Building Communities Recognition Program

From the office of MPP Yasir Naqvi:

Dear Friends,

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Leading Women/Leading Girls Building Communities Recognition Program which celebrates the achievements of women and girls who demonstrate exceptional leadership in working to improve the lives of others in their communities.
Over the last several years, 110 women from our community of Ottawa Centre have received this award, more than anywhere else in the province! We all know women and girls in our community whose leadership helps improve the lives of others. I encourage you to take this opportunity to recognize their contributions and applaud their successes.

To nominate someone, simply fill out the form [english, french], answer three short questions about the nominee, and attach three letters of support. These letters must be unique to each nominee and should indicate how the nominee

Monday, November 24, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014 Zoning Review Report

A reminder from the City of Ottawa:
The 2014 Zoning Review Report is being presented on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at Planning Committee. The Report is now available online. The meeting agenda can be found here.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2014 Planning Primer Program - Heritage

Saturday, November 15 or Monday, November 17, 2014

Ottawa City Hall, Festival Boardroom, 1st Floor

110 Laurier Avenue West

8:30 a.m. to 12 noon

Register no later than November 13, 2014.

If you have taken both Primer I and Primer II, you are invited to register for this elective course. If you have not taken the Primer series, please do not register for this session. The concepts and information that is imparted in the core courses is integral to understanding the material presented in the elective courses.

The next set of Primer sessions and electives will be held in January and February 2015. If you haven