The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Update on the Spencer Street Rehabilitation

In this post, Councillor Leiper has shared news about the upcoming changes and additions to the Spencer Street Rehabilitation plan. Raised intersections, painted bike lanes, and additional sidewalks are all welcome news. We are grateful for Councillors Leiper, Egli, and City Staff for their work on this complex project.

The WVCA, however, is disappointed at the reduced

1 comment:

  1. It is really nice that you all are happy about the bike lanes on Spencer. I'm not (I used my side door that faces Spencer) as my main door.
    I really currently do not see many bikers on Spencer now.
    So when I have company or I want to park at the side of my house to unload my groceries that will not be allowed because you, Jeff Leiper and others that don't even live on Spencer have decided that they need more biking routes. The parking on the north south streets they are already filled up with the shoppers from Wellington Street and the people who live on the north south street now.
    So tell where is my company going to park?
    Spencer is not that busy a street overall that cars and bikers can't both be on it.
    You should be trying to look at something for the north south traffic and be figuring something out for people who run the stop signs at Spencer.
    Let me tell you I will be watching to see just how many bikers are going to be on Spencer.
