Highlights from the WVCA November 2022 meeting
A shining moment from the Granville Avenue tree lighting event on November 26.
During its meeting of November 17, 2022, the WVCA board discussed a range of issues of interest to the community:
Mask Wearing
As we know, Ottawa Public Health is strongly recommending mask use in all indoor public settings to help limit the risk of viral transmission, and protect health-care capacity, the board agreed to echo this advice in communications to the community–staying kind and doing our part to keep each other safe.
Byron Path Pumpkin Parade
This year’s Byron Path Pumpkin Parade featured close to 800 jack-o-lanterns! What an amazing display of community spirit, enjoyed by so many. That said, this is a volunteer-run event, and its growing success means increased logistical challenges. Organizer Anita Grace has asked that the WVCA consider partnering going forward. This would increase fundraising capacity which would be used primarily for the expense of hiring a company to assist with removing and transporting pumpkins to a farm for livestock feed. The WVCA Board is open to being part of this valued community event. As a first step we are seeking advice about the possible need for insurance.
Huron Ave.
Resident consultation will soon begin regarding Huron Avenue’s future road reconstruction. Plans will likely include measures to narrow the (very wide) Huron Ave. Some residents have made suggestions including a ‘woonerf’ or green boulevard design, but these may be limited by road width-constraints.
Tunney’s Pasture
Neighbours for Tunney’s is preparing an email to newly elected Mayor, Mark Sutcliffe, returning Kitchissippi ward Councillor, Jeff Leiper, and Ottawa Centre MP Yasir Naqvi to make introductions and underscore community priorities as identified in the Neighbours for Tunney’s spring 2021 survey.
With the YMCA-YWCA selling its downtown building, many community members have wondered if the organization might be interested in relocating its facilities to the Tunney’s site. We are in communications with councillor Leiper with our questions about this and we are hopeful for a meeting to learn more about the City’s plans for Parks and Recreation in the ward.
Further to pressing the City for details on the status of green space and recreation amenities at Tunney’s, the Board remains concerned about finding ways to mitigate the local traffic impact of any re-development at Tunney’s Pasture.
Spencer Street Parkette
The City arborist has been informed of the community’s interest in protecting any viable mature trees on the site of the future parkette at 115 Spencer. Local residents have already begun–informally–sharing ideas on naming options. More formal consultations with our Kitchissippi Ward councillor and neighbours will likely begin soon and carry on into 2023. If you’d like to be kept in the loop on the informal side of things, please send our working group an email: wvca.park@gmail.com.
Art Installation
You may have noticed that “The Kiss”, the wrought-iron bicycle art installation by artist Maciek Peter Kozlowski, has disappeared from our Wellington Village streetscape (it was located at 1278 Wellington Street West, in front of the former Hair Committee storefront). This installation was part of a past Hintonburg Happening event, and the WVCA is asking community members for suggestions of possible new mainstreet locations in Wellington Village. If one cannot be found, there is a likelihood that the artwork will be installed at Parkdale Park.
Treasurers’ Report
The WVCA has received some funds through our website, but is looking into other options for receiving funds, for example using QR a code App to make donating easier for community members. Currently our main way to receive donations is cash or an e-transfer to wvca.ottawa.treasurer@gmail.com
The WVCA would also like to thank all of those who have made donations–this fall alone we’ve received close to $100 in donations–every dollar is appreciated!
Board member Allan Kagedan attended a recent meeting hosted by the Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa. While the meeting included presentations on the value of community gardens, and the challenges posed by household waste disposal, concerns were raised about a number of provincial government initiatives that may have an adverse effect on municipalities across Ontario.
Coming up in Wellington Village…
Fisher Park Christmas Craft Sale — The Fisher Park Community Recreation Council held its annual Christmas Craft Sale on Saturday, December 3
If you are hosting a community event please let us know - we are happy to amplify your event through our channels!
Calls to action…
The WVCA always needs more community volunteers, especially those with website expertise or interest in event planning. Please reach out to get involved!
Membership funds–You’re already a member just by living within the boundaries! As always, we appreciate your support to help us run events and engage with residents. While $10 is the suggested membership fee, the WVCA appreciates donations of any amount. We’re happy to pick up a cheque or you can e-transfer.
E-transfer to: wvca.ottawa.treasurer@gmail.com
*Please include your contact details in the message section to let us know how to reach you—we’d like to confirm and give thanks for every donation.
Spread the news! Please share this newsletter with Wellington Village neighbours. Those interested can sign up on the landing page of our website.
Join us at our next meeting!
Our next meeting is planned for Thursday, December 15th. Follow our social media channels for details or send us an email to ensure you get the invite.
Find us here:
w: www.wvca.ca
t: @theWVCA
We’re better together!
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