The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Neighbours for Tunney's

We have a new tab on the WVCA website! 

Click on: this link to be taken to our new landing page for "Neighbours for Tunney's", where we will be sharing all of our updates in obtaining information on the forthcoming Tunney's Pasture redevelopment plans, having input into said plans, and working with the city on ensuring the priorities of residents of adjoining neighbourhoods are taken seriously.

The results from our April survey are posted to this page, as well as a backgrounder document we have developed in collaboration with the Champlain Park, Hintonburg and Mechanicsville Community Associations. We have formed Neighbours for Tunney's to discuss the above-mentioned concerns, and are putting pressure where we can to have information shared. 

On the page you can also find information on how you can sign up for additional updates on the project, and how you can have more input in to the work we are doing. 

Your local community associations have been putting in a lot of extra effort to bring this issue forward, and you will be hearing a LOT more on Tunney's Pasture in the days and weeks to come. This is a massive project that has been developed under a cone of silence. Plans are at an advanced stage, and have been done with no community consultation or input, nor the input or knowledge of city staff and elected officials. We have been told that updated redevelopment plans would be released soon, but to date have received no new information. We continue to press for the release of information, and for the federal government to meet with neighbours to provide critical input. 

A lot more to come!

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