The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Zoning By-law Amendment 1518 Scott Street (at Parkdale / Bullman St.)

From the City of Ottawa:

An application has been received for a Zoning By-law Amendment Application at 1518 Scott Street, 250, 266, 268, 272 & 274 Parkdale Avenue, and 9, 11, 13, & 15 Bullman Street.

Site Location:
The site is municipally addressed as 1518 Scott Street, 250, 266, 268, 272 & 274 Parkdale Avenue, and 9, 11, 13, & 15 Bullman Street. The site is located at the south-west corner of Scott Street and Parkdale Avenue.
Description of Site and Surroundings:
The site is comprised of 10 property parcels. An approximate 10 metre strip of land interrupts the properties, and thus the development lands are divided into two groupings. The total site area of the north lot at Scott Street and Parkdale Avenue is 1,156.57 square metres. The total site area of the south lot at Bullman Street and Parkdale Avenue is 2,382.3 square metres. The site is currently occupied by a number of single detached dwellings, surface parking lots, a commercial diner and a mixed-use development. The site is surrounded by the Tunney

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