Wellington West Business Improvement Area is pleased to announce the launch of a new 'Shop Local' marketing campaign and contest. "Live Local! Love Local! Shop Local!" is designed to support Hintonburg businesses as they struggle to overcome the disruption caused by Phase 2 of the Wellington St. West Road Reconstruction (Parkdale Ave east to Bayview Ave.)
Buying a gift? Going out for dinner? Need a haircut? Make a point of spending your money locally! Win great prizes and strengthen our local economy and our community!
Phase 2 is one of the most ambitious road reconstruction projects attempted by the City of Ottawa (1.4 km in a single summer!). And while we welcome this investment in our Main Street, there is no denying that it has had a significant impact on local businesses. With sidewalks crowded by machinery, traffic down to a single bumpy lane, construction noise and dust, it has been a challenge to say the least. Some businesses are even in danger of closing due to the construction, which will not end until late November.
That is why our new campaign invites residents to make a concerted effort to shop locally for the next few months to str engthen our local economy and community. We have circulated 10,000 "Live Local! Love Local! Shop Local!" postcards, both through direct mail to homes and via shops along Wellington St West. By simply filling in the name of the business where a customer has shopped locally and supplying contact info, shoppers can win one of 10 gift certificates ($25 each) to local businesses each month. Postcards can be dropped off at the Hintonburg Community Centre (1064 Wellington West). Winners will be announced in the Kitchissippi Times as well as on this website. Draws will be held on the 15th of each month until the end of construction.
Our businesses are essential to the fabric of our community. When Wellington West has been resurfaced and beautified, with new streetlights, benches, public art, sidewalks, trees and more, we want all of our local businesses to be around to benefit.
Live Loc al! Love Local Shop Local!
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