The Wellington Village Community Association

The Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA) is a volunteer, non-profit community group of local residents that represents over 1,500 households in our neighbourhood.

Friday, September 20, 2024

WVCA Board Meeting (in-person) - Thursday September 26th at 7:30 p.m.

Good day,

The WVCA is holding its next board meeting next Thursday (September 26th), from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

We meet at Fisher Park School (250 Holland Avenue). Use the doors at the Holland Avenue end. When you enter, go down the hallway to your right and it will be one of the first classrooms on your left (room 112)

Community residents are welcome to attend.

The board will be discussing updates on all of the neighbourhood issues we've been tracking on, with a particular emphasis on the proposed new zoning by-law and Tunney's Pasture re-development. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Save the date! WVCA AGM - Tuesday May 28th! + Two other Don't-Miss events this Saturday!

Good day neighbours!

We have been long overdue to hold an AGM for our community association, but a date has finally been set! Come join us on Tuesday May 28th  at 7:30 p.m. at Fisher Park School (room 111). We will hear from Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper and have time for a Q&A with him, as well as a short local history presentation from Dave Allston on the early days of Wellington Village.

We need board members! Please consider joining the WVCA board to help support the work that we are doing. Whether you have one particular area you'd like to contribute to, or help us in multiple areas, we could use you! Our board has dropped from as high as 15 members pre-Covid to about 7 now. It is not enough, and honestly, there is growing risk that our WVCA may fold sometime soon. Learn more about what being a board member is all about during the AGM. We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Here is our poster for the event! Please click on it to open it up and view all the details:


This Saturday May 11th there are two big events happening in our community that the WVCA is proud to support: Spring into Active Parkways! Select your method of transportation and meet up at the Rink of Dreams at City Hall for a community meet-up at 11 a.m.!

... And, 2024 is the 100th Anniversary of the opening of Parkdale Market! This Saturday May 11th, the Market will officially open for its centennial year with opening ceremonies at 1 p.m. on the big stage in the park behind the Market. 

For more information on Saturday's event you can check out:

The following was information shared through the Kitchissippi Times from the Parkdale Public Market team last week, in case you missed it! 

100 Years of Parkdale Public Market:
Join the Celebration

The Parkdale Public Market team, in collaboration with the ByWard Market District Authority (BMDA), is proud to invite readers of the Kitchissippi Times to the Parkdale Public Market's 100th season!

We’ve planned a season of significance with programming that commemorates our history while also celebrating our bright future! Established in 1924 as the West End Market, the Parkdale Public Market has stood as a testament to resilience, enduring decades of change while remaining a beacon of tradition and vitality. The Parkdale Public Market has evolved alongside our city, adapting to the needs of generations while persevering as an important public space.

This centennial season will have something for everyone to enjoy! 

Highlights of the celebration include: 

Centennial Season Opening Ceremonies: Join us on Saturday, May 11, at 1 p.m. for a special ceremony launching the 100th season of the Parkdale Public Market!

Parkdale Night Market: Every Wednesday from 5 to 9 p.m., join us for a bustling market featuring shopping, street food vendors, and live music in the park! The night market runs weekly from June 5 to October 9.

100th Birthday Party: Our official 100th anniversary is on Wednesday, July 10th, and we are throwing ourselves a birthday party! You won’t want to miss the Parkdale night market of the century. It’ll get your friends and neighbours talking!

Our 100th Harvest: On Wednesday, October 9th, we’ll mark our final night market of the season with a special market honouring the 100 years of harvest our community has shared together

The Parkdale Public Market team is dedicated to paving the way for the future success of our public spaces by embracing our fondness for traditional markets while also setting an eye to unique and engaging offerings that will reinvigorate and reignite the tradition of going to market! Celebrate the past and anticipate the future with us at the Parkdale Public Market. 

Make sure to stop by 366 Parkdale Avenue to shop, eat, and share in the celebration this season and next! The Parkdale Public Market is open daily from May through October. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Parkdale Public Market’s centennial celebration!

With gratitude,
The Parkdale Public Market Team

Saturday, February 24, 2024

WVCA February News!

Greetings neighbours!

There are two important engagement opportunities that the WVCA would like residents to take note of.  

And thank you in advance for your involvement in shaping our neighbourhood! 

Spencer parkette design and name consultation

City parks staff are seeking the community’s input regarding the design of a future neighbourhood park located at the corner of Huron Avenue North and Spencer Street. Two concept plans and a survey are posted here on Engage Ottawa. This future parkette will be a great addition to the area between Holland, Scott, Island Park and Wellington and Councillor Leiper and the WVCA would encourage residents to review the plans and provide input. Note that the consultation will close March 6th. 

The parkette will also need a name! 

Please send your name suggestions in an email to Councillor Leiper’s office: and/or

10 Garrison rezoning open house

The property owner of 10 Garrison Street is planning to bring forward an application for a zoning by-law amendment to construct a three-storey low-rise apartment building with a total of 10 dwelling units. 

This proposed redevelopment would involve demolition of the existing single-detached home on the site which is located adjacent to the Metro grocery store and west of Western Avenue (and just north of Wellington Street). This is noteworthy as it is the first time that the current Board of the WVCA has seen a proposal to convert a single home to a 10-unit dwelling on a residential street. 

Councillor Leiper’s office will be hosting a virtual Open House with the community on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 6:30 pm to provide an opportunity for the applicant team to share information on the proposal, and answer questions that neighbours may have. The WVCA plans to have representation at this meeting. 

You can read more details and access information regarding the Zoom link here on the Kitchissippi Ward website.


Events in Wellington Village… 

  • Elmdale Book Fair is on now!  Feb 23rd 9am to 9pm & Feb 24th 9am to 4pm. 49 Iona St.  

  • Fisher Park Outdoor Rink Party!  Saturday Feb 24th at the ODR. Swiftie skate at 6pm followed by Disco skate at 7:30pm 

  • If you are hosting a community event please let us know - we are happy to amplify your event through our channels! 


Calls to action… 

The WVCA always needs more community volunteers, especially those with website expertise or interest in event planning. Please reach out! 

  • Membership support: You’re already a member just by living within the boundaries!  As always, we appreciate your support to help us run or sponsor events and engage with residents. $10 is the suggested membership fee, but the WVCA appreciates any/all support. We’re happy to pick up a cheque or you can e-transfer:

*Please include your contact details in the message section to let us know how to reach you—we’d like to confirm and give thanks.

  • Spread the news! Please share this newsletter with Wellington Village neighbours. Sign up for our communications on the landing page of our website. 

Join us at our next meeting!

Our next meeting is planned for March 21st at 7:30PM. There will be a guest presentation from the City of Ottawa on the topic of parking. Follow our social media channels for details or send us an email to ensure you get the invite.

We’re better together!


How to find us: 




t: @theWVCA


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

WVCA Board Meeting (in-person) - Thursday February 22nd at 7:30 p.m.

Good day,

The WVCA is holding its next board meeting next Thursday (February 22nd), from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

We meet at Fisher Park School (250 Holland Avenue). Use the doors at the Holland Avenue end. When you enter, go down the hallway to your right and it will be one of the first classrooms on your left (room 112)

Community residents are welcome to attend.

Friday, January 12, 2024

WVCA Board Meeting (in-person) - Thursday January 18th at 7:30 p.m.

Good day,

The WVCA is holding its next board meeting next Thursday (January 18th), from 7:30-9:00 p.m.

We meet at Fisher Park School (250 Holland Avenue). Use the doors at the Holland Avenue end. When you enter, go down the hallway to your right and it will be one of the first classrooms on your left (room 112)

Community residents are welcome to attend.

WVCA 2023 Year In Review

Happy New Years to our Wellington Village residents!

Your Wellington Village Community Association remains strong and active on your behalf. A small but busy board of directors has helped lead several key initiatives in the community in 2023, and we thought it would be worthwhile celebrating our accomplishments over the past year. 

Neighbours for Tunney’s is a community action group founded by the neighbouring community associations around Tunney’s Pasture, and the WVCA continues to play a key role on the committee. The redevelopment of Tunney’s Pasture remains one of the WVCA’s primary focuses for the near future. As these redevelopment plans slowly come together, we continue to gather Wellington Village resident input on concerns and wishes for the future of the vast Tunney’s site. We have a seat at the table of what’s known as the Communities Perspectives Group (CPG), where this input is shared directly with government shareholders, namely the Canada Lands Company and Public Services and Procurement Canada. The WVCA participated in several CPG meetings in 2023, as well as the Public Engagement Sessions held on site at Tunney’s in November. We are planning to send out another resident survey in 2024, and will continue to push the government on the concerns of neighbouring residents on issues such as green space, Ottawa River access, recreation space, traffic, and zoning, all of which will have a substantial, direct impact on the residents of Wellington Village. (

The WVCA also led a hugely successful Jane’s Walk in June, providing a walking tour that highlighted both the historical and future planning details of the Tunney’s Pasture site. The was the most well-attended Jane’s Walk in Ottawa in 2023, and showed the high level of interest in the site – not only with local residents, but with visitors from across the city curious to learn more about this important future piece of Ottawa development space.  

The Spencer Street Parkette at the corner of Huron Avenue North was a tremendous success for the WVCA, and we look forward to working with the City on what equipment and features will appear in the park. The house and garage have been demolished within the last week and consultation with the community will be happening soon, so that Wellington Village residents can begin using this long-awaited park space. The northern half of Wellington Village has been without a local park since the loss of Grange park nearly 30 years ago!

The WVCA was proud to support the Byron Avenue Pumpkin Walk through financial and volunteer support. This amazing Wellington Village event has exploded in popularity over time, well beyond the capacity of creator Anita Grace to do it all on her own. We were happy to contribute to this great event, which had its biggest year yet with nearly 1,000 pumpkins! 

We also helped contribute to other causes in the neighbourhood, such as parking problems around Elmdale School when snow clearing became an issue, reviewing and contributing to property development applications, and the renewal of Caroline Avenue and Huron Avenue North. 

We will continue to work hard for you in 2024 and encourage you to reach out anytime with questions or concerns. 

We are also looking for individuals interested in contributing to the WVCA, either to specific issues, or to the Board more broadly. Your local knowledge, your expertise in areas of community planning, or simply your enthusiasm to make Wellington Village a better place would go a long way in helping our board, and we would love to have you! Please email for more info.

Cheers and all the best in 2024!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Invitation from the Neighbours for Tunney’s Group

Invitation from the Neighbours for Tunney’s Group

Neighbours for Tunney’s would like to share the news of an upcoming public engagement opportunity that has been shared by the Project Team at Tunney’s Pasture. Please see below and plan to attend! 

In the meantime, please continue to reach out to us with any Q’s or comments:

As a reminder, Neighbours for Tunney’s is an entirely volunteer-led group, headed by a core of interested local residents–including members of the four Community Associations surrounding Tunney’s Pasture. NFT was formed with the mandate to seek information from Canada Lands Company and Public Services and Procurement Canada (CLC / PSPC) and our elected officials about the redevelopment of Tunney’s Pasture and to create ongoing opportunities for residents from the surrounding communities to engage in this significant project. Anyone can email us to sign up to receive NFT Newsletters, 400+ neighbours already have! 


Open houses on the proposed Complete Street and Active Transportation Network at Tunney’s Pasture

We are pleased to inform you that we will be hosting our next public engagement opportunity on November 21 and 22 when we present and gather input on the proposed Complete Street and Active Transportation Network that will form the spine of the future vibrant community at Tunney’s Pasture.

Over the coming years, Tunney’s Pasture will be transformed from a single-use employment centre into a transit-oriented and sustainable mixed-use community that is integrated with surrounding neighbourhoods, while maintaining a strong federal presence. The proposed network is key to this integration.

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Canada Lands Company are collaborating to develop the long-term plan that will guide the implementation of the award-winning Tunney’s Pasture Master Plan. Unveiling the proposed network and gathering your thoughts is an important step in the journey towards this transformation.

Please invite your communities to join us for one of two identical bilingual open houses where they will have the opportunity to review the Community Values that were developed last year with their input, to reflect the community’s vision for this mixed-use development. They will also see and have an opportunity to react to the proposed Complete Street and Active Transportation Network that will connect Tunney’s Pasture to surrounding neighbourhoods and the Ottawa River.



170 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway

Cafeteria – Jean Talon Building 

Main floor; accessible by ramp


Date and time:

Tuesday, November 21, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm

Wednesday, November 22, from 3:00 to 6:00 pm

(the same information will be presented both days)


We encourage people to take transit or use active transportation. Parking is also available at Tunney’s Pasture.

We would appreciate if you could please help us spread the word with your communities and stakeholders on these upcoming events. You will find attached a postcard that can be used for this purpose.

For those who cannot participate in either open house, there will be an opportunity to provide input online from November 21 to December 5.

For more information on the project and the open houses, or to participate online and to sign up for updates, visit the Tunney’s Pasture Redevelopment website at